It was a deluge of biblical proportions, a torrential assault on the unsuspecting metropolis. The skies over Sydney had cracked open, and the unrelenting rain showed no mercy. I can’t look away. Each raindrop is a punctuation mark in a narrative written by a celestial typewriter gone haywire, and the people of Sydney are characters in a story told in liquid ink.

The photographer in me relished this wet dreamland, finding beauty in the absurdity of it all. Darting across George street, drenched to the core, I documented the surreal scenes. For three months, Sydney experienced this: a “once in one-hundred year weather event”. It nearly killed my camera.

Self-Published/ Hardcover/ 58pp/ 12x8 (30 cm x 20.3 cm)/ Perfect bound/ Signed/ Ed. of 300


To celebrate the first printing of RAIN RAIN GO, a limited number of prints are available for purchase along with the book. Upon check-out, make sure to select the number corresponding with your chosen print.


THANKS to those who purchased copies of the book. It is currently out of stock until further notice. Mail out of orders begins 16/09/ 2024

In Visible Light - book

“A culmination of more than 10 years of work, this is Sydney as I have witnessed it.”


Sydney - a city where the cost of living has never been higher and the sense of anxiety never more acutely felt . . . For me, it is there in the minutia of the rush to or home from the office - the stress of finding a work/ life balance to ‘have it all’; it’s there in the tedium of the daily commute; the packed street corners at peak hour when masses are corralled but never connected; it is there in the moments of collision or happenstance that exist for a fraction of a second, never to occur again; and it is in the brief gestures or expressions that let slip the facade . . . With every moment, I feel the compulsion to photograph - to delve deeper and see life through the disclosing tool that is light. Pouring down its streets and reflecting off the expansive glass surfaces, it seems to punctuate my experiences of the world.

Self-Published/ Hardcover/ 40pp/ 8 x 8 (20.3 cm x 20.3 cm)/ Perfect bound/ Signed

First Printing (BLACK COVER) / August 2021/ Ed. of 250 — SOLD OUT

Second Printing (METALLIC COVER) / November 2021/ Ed. of 250 — SOLD OUT

Third Printing (METALLIC COVER)/ January 2022/ Ed. of 250 — SOLD OUT